by Vanessa Cortez, staff writer [June 4, 2011]
[] Skechers's Shape-Ups -- those weird, rocker-bottom "toning shoes" -- claim all sorts of miracle health benefits. Walk around in them and you're supposed to lose weight, tone muscles, improve posture, improve balance, and improve your overall health. Is all that true?
Some things to consider...
Shape-Ups are less expensive than many other curvy-soled "athletic shoes," but they're still not cheap compared to most normal sneakers. Shape-Ups are usually around $100 - 150 a pair. But despite the high price, they don't last long.
One Weekly Universe source bought a pair of Shape-Ups in April 2010. Within ten months time, chucks had fallen off both heels. See below images.
How often did he use his Shape-Ups before they reached this state? He walked about 8 miles a day, 7 days a week, outdoors, in a city but on mixed terrain (mostly concrete, but some parkland). Apart from these daily "health walks," he wore footwear other than Shape-Ups.
In February 2011 he replaced the above Shape-Ups with another pair. After only one month's use, the leather edges along the ankle became worn. Why? The only thing brushing against the shoes were his pant legs. Normal cotton pants. Is that all it takes to wear away Shape-Ups's leather?
See the blow images; red arrows pointing to the worn areas.
* Knee Problem
The owner bought his second pair because, though the first ones had worn away after only ten months, he felt they had improved his posture, a bit. And while it was initially difficult to walk in the first pair, he got used to them after a week, and walking became easy.
But as for his new Shape-Ups (the white ones) -- after a few weeks in those, his left knee began to ache. The pain was worst when he first got out of bed every morning and began walking. The pain would fade after he'd walked for a half hour or so in his new Shape-Ups, but it was always there whenever he crouched (bent his knee) in a certain position.
Being a guy, he decided to tough it out. Maybe he'd hit his knee and didn't remember?
But the pain didn't do away. Every morning it returned. Every time he began walking in his Shape-Ups, it was there. Every time he crouched, it was there.
After a few more weeks, he researched online and discovered that others had reported knee problems after using Shape-Ups. Some lawyers are preparing a class action lawsuit against Skechers. Google "Skechers Shape Ups" with "knee injury," knee problem," "class action lawsuit," or similar phrases.
Our Weekly Universe source (who wishes to remain anonymous should he wish to join a class action suit) stopped using his new Shape-Ups in April 2011. The pain in his left knee faded. It no longer hurts when he begins walking in the morning. But some pain returns whenever he bends his left knee in a certain position.
Why do so many people experience pain after using Shape-Ups, but many other users do not? Is it because some of them had pre-existing health problems?
But this user's first pair didn't cause him any pain even after ten months -- while the second pair caused pain within weeks. It may be because Shape-Ups's rocker-bottoms vary in terms of the thickness size, and degree of curvature, of the soles. Not the differences in the two above shoes.
Should YOU try a pair a Shape-Ups? It may all depend on WHO you are, and WHICH model of Shape-Ups you try. Whether any pair will improve your health -- or injure you so much that you'll require surgery -- seems to be a crap shoot.
You buy your shoes, and take your chances!
Copyright 2011 by
Vanessa Cortez is a Los Angeles based investigative journalist for the Weekly Universe. Read about her investigations into the entertainment industry's occult underground in Hollywood Witches! |