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Tabloid Witch Awards




About the Weekly Universe


The Weekly Universe welcomes NEWS TIPS and PRESS RELEASES from across the transdimensional spectrum, favoring those related to UFOs, conspiracies, the paranormal, and the bizarre.

SUBMISSIONS become property of the Weekly Universe and deemed for publication without compensation unless otherwise requested. Name and contact information withheld upon request.

SNAIL MAIL: Weekly Universe, c/o PO Box 1903, Santa Monica, CA, 90406-1903.

EMAIL: editor at weeklyuniverse dot com.

Be sure to visit our sister publication, the Hollywood Investigator, sponsor of the Tabloid Witch Awards horror film contest and festival.

Some of the animated gifs on this site are courtesy



You've Read the Tabloid -- Now Read the Book!


Hollywood says it loves equal opportunity and multicultural diversity. Development executive Diana Däagen thinks the studio's hiring is based more on ageism, sexism, and nepotism.

And so, surrounded by followers of Wicca, astrology, Native American shamans, telephone psychics, UFO prophets, a channeled warlord from Atlantis, and the alchemy of Hermes Trismegistus, Diana's coven of New Age witches hatch a plot to infiltrate and diversify the entertainment industry until Hollywood "looks like America" -- no matter how many eggs must be broken along the way.

Only the intrepid supermarket tabloid reporters of the Hollywood Investigator and Weekly Universe family of family publications can stop Diana's path toward world media domination.

Hollywood Witches is an urban fantasy/satire, available on paper and as on Amazon Kindle.






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